Play that funky music, daydream believer.

I’m in a funk. A deep funk.

Not the kind of music funk.

But a funk (of sorts).

I’m feeling incapable of everyday tasks.

The alarm clock rings and I rise, wipe the sleep out of my eyes…

And I then debate rolling over and skipping school. In this week alone, I had three exams, two tests, and a lab report due. Sleep was optional. I’m so busy this semester, and there’s been no breaks for me in the constant stream of life since last year. I’m serious, and if you wanted to have nice chat with me, I can schedule you for next… How does two-thousand never sound? This has probably been my first “free” night in weeks, where I can just sit around in my pajamas and stare at a blank screen with that stupid flashy line thing that all my letters come out of on the screen. Plus, to make matters worse, this stress has greatly inhibited my creative juices. I’ve been stuck in this funk since July. I can’t seem to write anything that doesn’t have to be turned in, graded, or homework recently. My mind is so focused on school-mode, I can’t seem to turn it off and just write for myself. I’m always too busy or too stressed. And when I’m not one or the other, I can’t think of a single thing to write about.

So here it is.

Me putting my foot down.

From now on, regardless of what my imagination (or lack thereof) says, I will be projectile vomiting words onto the world wide web as much as I possible can. And this is not a promise (because I can guarantee I’ll break it), but I want to start writing again. I need to get my brain-dead writing out there, so someday, I might be a not-so-brain-dead writer (one can only hope…).

So anyway… Hopefully you guys (if anyone still reads this blog) will see more of me in the coming months, or weeks. Perhaps only a few days… Who knows?

-Geeky Zelda Girl


(P.S. I also got published recently in a college arts magazine. So that’s a thing.)

(P.S.S. Oh, and I join the journalism club at my school, so I’ll have to start writing something more than lab reports and essays eventually.)

(P.P.S. Did you know the third president of the America, Thomas Jefferson, was one of the first people to use this weird “p.s.” thing?)

(P.P.P.S. Check wikipedia. It never lies.)

(P.P.P.P.S. That is all.)

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